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Does The Law of Attraction Work?
Today I want to talk about a topic that a lot of people struggle with, which is doubt in the law of attraction as a practical thing. Because of the difficulty people face with this, even if they at first were excited about the idea, they soon start asking themselves, "Does The Law of Attraction Work?", fearing that they might just be deluding themselves with it.
The problem is that the law of attraction relies on a basic metaphysical idea that is hard to accept, because it feels like a dangerous, insane idea. The idea is this: consciousness is the real substance of the universe and objects are merely expressions of consciousness.
We, as observers, are an extension and fragment of the creative power of God, in which all things exist. The chair you are sitting in does exist, objectively, but it exists within your own consciousness and not outside of it. You wouldn't ask "Does the law of attraction work if you are God?", would you? You are not an object in a world made up of other objects interacting with each other but the center of consciousness around which your entire world revolves. Even though this may feel like a detour from practical application, it is very useful to realize just how widespread and deeply ingrained this idea really is in the world.
Does the law of attraction work? - A little history
Its origin is ancient. In Genesis, the story is told of God creating Adam (man) in his own image and breathing life into him. What is the image of God? It certainly isn't that of an animal resembling a monkey! The image of God is "consciousness", a formless creative observer.
In the story God then puts Adam to sleep and in this sleep, he creates out of Adam, Eve. Eve is created as a companion to Adam and the word means "life". In other words, God puts man to sleep so he could dream himself a life. At one point Eve, who represents the dream of life, decides to offer Adam the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Adam accepts the offer, he eats that which Eve gave him and because of it they are thrown out of Paradise.
The eating of the fruit represents man's uncritical acceptance of what his life offers him. Every time you accept negative circumstances and allow them to guide your feelings, you are eating from the forbidden fruit. As punishment, Adam is condemned to work the earth and Eve is condemned to suffer the pain of bearing Adam's children, which simply means your life is under the obligation of expressing you, of bringing the invisible creations of your consciousness into visible form as external objects and this includes all the limitations and hardships you encounter.
Following this the Bible tells for the first time the story of the two brothers, Cain and Abel. This is a very important myth and if you study it, you'll see that it forms the basis of popular media, from the "Shawshank Redemption" to "Toy Story" to "Drake and Josh". The story basically goes like this: Abel works as a shepherd so he offers God the blood of his animals as sacrifice. Cain works as a farmer and he offers God the fruits of the earth as sacrifice. God is pleased with Abel but not Cain, and in jealousy Cain murders Abel. For this he is condemned to walk the earth forever in misery and never die.
What does that mean? The two brothers exist within you in a perpetual struggle for dominance. As a shepherd, Abel represents a man who has tamed the movements of his mind and guides them gently; his sacrifice of blood represents the offering of the life-energy of his thoughts. In contrast to this we have Cain who represents the man who struggles with the earth hoping to get something out of it, and his sacrifice represents the offering of his labor, of his pain, of the fruits of effort.
God, who doesn't just represent a dude with arbitrary preferences, but the cause, father, master, creator of all, is pleased with and favors Abel, while despising Cain's offering. Instead of learning the lesson and changing his ways, Cain murders Abel out of jealousy. For this Cain is condemned. The only way to please God, which means the only way to do things in a way that will generate a pleasing result, is to follow the example of Abel and be a shepherd of one's own mind. You may try to "murder" that part of you and focus on struggle, but all you'll accomplish is a life of pain, moving from one circumstance to another as a nomad, but in internal misery.
"Okay", you say, "but is this actually true? Does the law of attraction work in the real world?". This is something you must find out by an honest observation of the relationship between your inner and outer life. If things are not going your way in the world and you feel tempted to think this is nonsense, ask yourself in complete honesty if these circumstances don't represent your habitual inner life; not the positive thoughts you have once in a while but your dominant perspective, the feeling you continually go back to and the beliefs from which you think. If you are honest with yourself you'll see how the law is working already in your life, even though you don't like the results of it.
People often have a secret pleasure for pain. It works like this: they think that if they don't go through bad things in their mind, they are ignoring their own suffering. It is like they have an inner baby inside that cries out because of bad circumstances and they need to comfort their crying otherwise they are "neglecting" the inner baby's pain. There is no inner baby. You can safely ignore the crying of your own soul and focus your attention on joy instead of pain.
"What if I don't believe this? Does the law of attraction work when I have beliefs that go against what you are talking about?"
The law of attraction is the law of consciousness, it is how the mind works and arranges the flow of experience. If your beliefs are that it doesn't work, it will attract experiences in harmony with this. If your beliefs are that "maybe it works, but I am more certain of other things" it will attract experiences that are in harmony with that, so sometimes it will seem to work and sometimes not and the stronger belief will prevail. If you believe you need to struggle a lot to catch a break once in a while, you will. The idea is not that people are punished by bad thoughts, it's simply that their outer experience reflects their inner experience.
At the end of it all even though the Law of Attraction may seem insane, there is nothing you can lose by it. If the truth is that you really are just an object in the universe, who happens to be self-aware (some of the time), there is no way you can escape from death, which means no way of thinking or living is any more or less dangerous than another. It all just leads to the same place in a different way. So use this fact as motivation to sincerely test the law and you might be pleasantly surprised to find out there is more to life than most people think.
Does the law of attraction work? Definitely!
Quantum Physics Law of Attraction Made Simple
- In simple terms, quantum physics law of attraction is a way to channelize positive energy into your lives. It is a way to dream and achieve the impossible, to attract what you desire.
Read my 11 Forgotten Laws review to learn how to fully utilize power of the laws of attraction.
How did the quantum physics law of attraction originate?
The quantum physics law of attraction originated from Einstein's famous theory of relativity, which says that energy and matter are interchangeable. Molecular biology says that all matter is made up of atoms and they are the ultimate sources of energy.Hence, if all beings are made of atoms, then as entities, we have the resources of energy in our own selves.
How do you start believing in the concepts of quantum physics law of attraction?
Simple. Have you ever seen a child personalizing with a particular toy, wherever he sees it? Say, a fire truck. Whenever, the child sees a fire truck,he claims it to be his own. This excitement, the sense of belonging and commitment towards what you desire, is in simple terms quantum physics law of attraction. It is about positive assertions.
I remember meeting a person, who would, under most distressed conditions, keep telling to himself "All is well".It was a form of self reassurance to keep him positive and to help him overcome the worst.And strangely enough, I have always found him calm and strong in all situations.This is quantum physics law of attraction.To make happen what you believe in.

If , as matters, we are all particles of energy, then positive re-assertiveness will only help to gather the positive vibrations around you.
History of the quantum physics law of attraction.
Quantum physics law of attraction , have been practiced since a long time, by the Essenes, Mayans and the students of Kaballah. It has also been practiced for ages by the Buddhist monks and the yogis of ancient times.
The principle behind Quantum physics law of attraction.
"Be careful of what you ask for, because you might just get it". This seems to be the main principle behind Quantum physics law of attraction.It is about thoughts being converted to things. We have very often spoken of coincidences.for example, you have been thinking intently of someone and you bump into him in the supermarket.
The preachers of the quantum physics law of attraction says, that , if you desire something with a lot of intent, it will be delivered to you in time.When you have been working on a project or on some goals, and have been putting all your energy behind it, you will eventually ened up getting the resource or the person who will help you through to success. It is the age old philosophy of " God helps those who helps themselves". it is about putting in your 100% faith and efforts behind something, and the magical conclusion is a positive outcome to your efforts.
So how do you go ahead with your plans to practice Quantum physics law of attraction?
1. Visualize: frame a picture of what you desire. Be in complete serenity and try to focus on what you want: be it the car, the job or the house of your dreams. Place yourself in there and frame a real picture of the situation.
2. Generate the need: This is the phase of reassertion. you have to keep telling yourself that you "need" it. Do not argue with yourself on whether you deserve it or not, for that will spoil the positivity of the situation. Involve all your senses in your desire to achieve the goal. The more you involve your senses, the faster you reach success.
3. Reception: this is a preparation phase to receive what you have desired. If you have been offered the car of your choice, accept it. Remember,this whole exercise is one of positive visualization, and when you reinforce your desire by practicing receiving it, you take a step towards your goal. Finally, make your self defenseless, and practice 100% acceptance of all responsibilities related to your desires.
4. Adversities: Preparing yourself for all adversities is another form of acceptance of responsibilities. The bigger your dream, the harder will be the hurdles. So this is a way to practice persistence and resilience.
5. Inspiration: Do not stop inspiring yourself. The Quantum physics law of attraction says, that, the Universe will, in her own way, create opportunities for you to reach your only need to realize them and convert them to success.
Beware! While planning for your dreams and visualizing them ,never think negative!
Negative thinking, in any form, while visualizing your dreams,will make it difficult for you to achieve it. Even in biological terms, it is true. The more you will think positive, the more your hormonal and metabolic rates will remain normal. This will only accelerate your thought processes in achieving your goal.Negative thinking also lowers your morale and self confidence, and you are then ill equipped to do what you desire.
It is a known fact, that we use 5% of our conscious brain.But it is the unconscious brain which triggers us towards our achievements.The more you think positive, the more will your unconscious brain will convert your energetic manifestations into creativities of achievements.
Quantum physics law of attraction and nature.
Crop yields, tides,shedding of leaves, germination of seeds,cyclones;all these natural phenomena follow their own laws of energy. No human intervention is required to help nature achieve what they need to do.So, if nature can find its own source of energy to do what it needs to do, why can't we, as humans do the same? As Jesus has said, "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, it will be given to you". This is the very essence of quantum physics law of attraction!
The Laws of Attraction And You
Laws of Attraction Facts
- What people do not know is that the laws of attraction determine everything in our lives without us ever knowing it. The laws of attraction, in the simplest form, is basically the way the world works and how we are able to attract the things that we want into our lives.
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What we think, what we feel and what we imagine will manifest into our lives and this happens everyday. Most people will say that they are hesitant about the laws of attraction but it is truly one of the most important things to understand.
What Are Laws Of Attraction?

How Do The Laws Of Attraction Influence Our Lives?
Relationships - In every relationship that you have in your life, it will e influenced by the law of attraction. For instance, if your mindset is "I guess i'm going to be single for the rest of my life," then you will most likely never be able to find someone. However, if you are able to tell yourself that your partner is coming soon and you feel that you already have a partner, then you will simply attract that into your life. The laws of attraction states that everything that you feel will come back to you. So if you are looking at a couple and you feel jealous and you are not happy for what they have, then you are pushing that away from your life. Everything that you see in life is an opportunity for you to attract it and it is up to you to do so or not.Money - This is one thing that the laws of attraction can really help with. Career and money problems are nothing when it comes to your mindset. Every successful entrepreneur had the right mindset and they never got beat down by anything negative. A person with a positive mental attitude will always be successful because they feel and envision themselves being successful on a daily basis. This is what separates the successful people from the ones that simply just "want" to be successful. With the laws of attraction, there is a difference between "wanting" and feeling like you are already successful.
Health - If you happen to be sick, it was because of the way you used your mind in the past. You are never in the hands of your life as you are actually ALWAYS controlling it. The things that happen to you are simply just reflections of the way that you thought in the past. If you want to be able to change your future, you must change the way that you think now. If you continue to have a healthy mindset and you focus on being able to use the laws of attraction for your benefit, then you will start to see your life start to change. This may sound absolutely crazy but your life will always be controlled by you and everything that happens is a result of how you feel and the laws of attraction.
Think And Grow Rich
The book was written by Napoleon Hill and talks about how you can use the laws of attraction to help you live a more fulfilling life. It is a highly acclaimed book and it truly motivates people to want and try the laws of attraction. Though the book is mainly focused on being able to get rich, the thought processes and the philosophy that the book covers can be used in every line of work. You will be able to use this book to be able to achieve whatever you want in your life and finally have the life that you have always wanted. The book was written in 1937 and it has been able to help people from all walks of life to be able to simply change their minds and finally make the right changes. It is a must read book regarding the laws of attraction and should be on everyone's "must read" list.Learn How To Put The Laws Of Attraction Into Action
The 11 Forgotten Laws are arguably the secrets to how to properly bring out the best in the laws of attraction. This product will guide you throughout the process of being able to simply transform your life. As skeptical as you may be about products that deliver "amazing results," this is one that goes beyond what other products will promise. This product promises to truly change your life and there are no other products out there quite like the 11 forgotten laws. This product will give you the crash course to finally living and acting on what the laws of attraction need you to do.Is This Real?
There will always be people who are skeptical and this is something that you cannot avoid. However, those people are most likely the ones that want to pull you down. They are most likely people that are "content" with their average lives and do not see any happiness from living abundantly and having everything that they wanted. These people simply convince to themselves that they are content because they are scared to be happy. Never settle for something that does not make you happy and this is why it is nice to know that the laws of attraction do work and they will give you everything that you have ever wanted, but it will be up to you to fully convince yourself that this is what you need to do. If you want to truly change your life, then it is very important that you understand the laws of attraction and how you can use them.Does Bob Proctor Scam People?
- Does Bob Proctor scam people? Throughout the years, people like Bob Proctor have been helping people who are striving to fulfill their dreams be able to make it a reality. We all know how difficult it is to actually fulfill your dreams and, especially in a world where in order to actually reach your goals, you will need to invest lots of time and effort. In this generation, people cannot waste time trying to fulfill their dreams, because they are way too busy working from 9 to 5 every single day.
Click Here To See Bob's Latest Work That Proves He Is a Real Deal
What most people don't know is that Bob Proctor can actually help you and everybody else achieve their dreams using one law that only a select few know. It's the law of attraction. However, there has been a lot of hype lately regarding whether or not the Bob Proctor was a real deal.
Is That Bob Proctor Scam True?
This question is often asked by people around the world, as they often believe that the things he teaches to people are just a bunch of non-sense. With the amount of experience that Bob Proctor has gotten, he was able to see the power of the law of attraction and be able to fulfill all his aspirations in life without having to exhaust himself by working everyday from 9 to 5. We all know how tough it is to live a stable life and at the same time try to fulfill your dreams, because it seems as if there is absolutely no time and hope left. However, Bob Proctor educates people that it truly is possible to fulfill your dreams even if you are very busy, because with the law of attraction, anything can be achieved.
How Was Bob Proctor Able To Help Others?

Is The Law Of Attraction Real?
The law of attraction isn't some type of rule or story that people just discovered several years ago. It's a real law that's been in existence for years ever since the beginning of creation. If you've ever done something good, thought happy thoughts, or felt happier feelings, then you definitely experienced something good later on. It's not some fake type of thing that isn't even real. Every person can utilize this law because it's real, and everybody can use this law whenever they want.
Why Do People Think Bob Proctor Scam People?

It's been thought that since he's created so many products, he's just making money off of the law. He knows more than you know, and he understands that he cannot just talk about every single technique in one single book, video, or audio. He has many products because he knows that his knowledge can affect millions. Bob has had the mentality that he can do anything, and he knows how to use the law of attraction to achieve success, making him a great person to learn from.
The Benefits To Implementing The Law Of Attraction Into Your Life.
One of the main benefits is the fact that you can achieve anything that you want. To the law of attraction, anything can happen and all things are possible. Law of attraction doesn't just work sometimes, at night, in the morning, or to some people. It works on everybody, and you can utilize it to attract nearly anything that you want in your life. Another benefit is that you when you use the law of attraction in your life, you'll actually feel more enthusiastic in your life, more loving, and definitely be more happy because of all the nice things that you've attracted in your life.
Tips On How To Make Use Of Bob Proctor's Advice.
His advice is very different than other protagonist in this field. The truth is that implementing the advice requires for you to do the same thing that you would normally do in anything in your life; follow it diligently and consistently. By diligent, I simply mean to put everything into practice as best as you can. By consistently, I simply mean to follow everything when he tells you. So, if he tells you to think about this or that for three weeks, then make sure that you do so.
The Main Reason Why the Statement "Bob Proctor Scam People" Is a False.
First of all, he's attracted to himself wonderful things. He attracted to himself all the wealth that he has now. He also attracted himself to achieving success with being a part of The Secret film in 2006. So, he really is an amazing person who has achieved so much in this world. Bob has spent years experiencing and trying out new things with this law, so his experience by far puts him above the rest.
The law of attraction is real, and Bob Proctor can provide for you the real knowledge that you need for achieving success using this law. Bob Proctor has spent his young years learning from big motivational speakers. So, Bob Proctor knows all the secrets that other protagonists still aren't using in their life. Bob practices what he preaches, and it's become obvious he knows what he's talking about, as he wouldn't have been this successful if he didn't know how to attract it in the first place. Therefore, when someone says that Bob Proctor scam people you can be sure it's a pure jealousy or ignorance.
Click Here To See Bob's Latest Work That Proves He Is a Real Deal